Paauwer Tools Monthly E-zine
Paauwer Tools -- a free monthly ezine
Issue #138--November 2012

Kathy Wells Paauw
Kathy Wells Paauw

Productivity Consultant

Certified Business & Personal Coach




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Read about Kathy's book, The Music of Your Heart.



The Music of Your Heart Blog



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Connect with those you care about:

Keep in touch with family, friends, prospects and clients by sending a quality personalized greeting card in the mail for a dollar. We'll show you how to create and send a personalized greeting card in 2 minutes!



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Check out our links to some great books:

Organization/Time Mgt.


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©2000-2012 Paauw Enterprises, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of ideas to help you de-clutter your life so you can focus on what’s most important? Kathy Paauw offers simple, yet powerful ideas, on how to manage your time, space, and thoughts for a more productive and fulfilling life. Visit

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Express Gratitude to Yourself

Although this time of year is usually spent focusing on expressing gratitude to others, this month I suggest that you take some time to express gratitude to yourself.

Most of us spend a fair bit of time thinking about how we've failed or what we don't have, and not enough time focusing on what we've done right or on the successes we've created.  Unfortunately, focusing on what you don't have generally gets you more of what you DON'T want.

What if you formed a new habit and started focusing on what is right and good in your life--what you've accomplished, and what you're grateful for?

As the Caribbean and the east coast of the United States have been hit hard this week with Hurricane Sandy, I've been thinking about what helps some people get through such stressful times while others in the same circumstances do not cope well.  I believe one key factor is confidence--having faith in your own ability to weather the storm, persevere, and take whatever action is necessary to make it through these tough times.

A great way to build confidence is to keep a list of things that you appreciate about yourself. This list contains things that you have done well. Imagine how valuable such a list would be when you need a boost of confidence or a reminder of your potential!

When was the last time that you sat down and took inventory of your life's accomplishments? If I asked you to list ten things you appreciate about yourself right now, could you do it?

Here are some examples:

  1. I am raising two wonderful children.
  2. I enjoy a successful marriage.
  3. I am a loyal friend.
  4. I put myself through college and graduated with honors.
  5. I practice excellent self-care and enjoy good health.
  6. I run a successful business doing what I love.
  7. I make a positive difference in people's lives through my work.
  8. I am an accomplished guitar player who brings joy to people with my music.
  9. I saved enough money to buy our first home and get a new car.
  10. I am a generous donor and volunteer to worthwhile charities and causes.

Now it's your turn. Yours may be similar or very different from the examples given above.  The idea here is to jot down at least 15 things you appreciate about yourself—no matter how large or small, recent or distant. Once you've made your list, print it out and keep it with you at all times so you can review it daily.

To make this even more powerful, I suggest that you create a portable "vision board" that contains photos depicting some of your accomplishments. Pictures carry powerful emotions with them, which will bring your list to life and help you tap into the positive emotions that come with your accomplishments.

I've found a wonderful service that will enable you to create a customized greeting card, using your own photos and text (your appreciation list). You create the card on the Internet, and the card gets printed, addressed, stamped and mailed to whatever address you provide.

Usually we send cards to other people. This time, I suggest that you send a card to yourself—something you can carry with you and review daily.

Here's the inside of the card I recently sent to myself…


If you'd like to create and send yourself a FREE card of appreciation in the mail--similar to the one I created for myself above--email me at with your request. I will help you send yourself a card that you can carry with you wherever you go.

As we prepare for the holiday season, this is a great time to think about your intentions for the season--experiences you'd like to have, people you want to see, etc.  Last year I wrote an article that will help you have a more "on purpose" holiday season: Seven Tips to Save Time & Reduce Holiday Stress.  This article is worth revisiting.

Check out my free webinar, Buried in Paper: Learn a simple five-step process to help you eliminate that paper pile-up forever.

As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, now is a great time to also think of others in your life you are thankful for and express your gratitude to them. 

With gratitude and appreciation for you,



Send customized holiday cards out to your whole list
with a single mouse click, for less than a dollar a card!


When was the last time you sent holiday cards in the mail to people you care about?  Many people have quit sending cards because it has become too time-consuming and too expensive.  But e-cards just aren't the same!

Check out a wonderful high-tech/high-touch tool that enables you to send a real paper greeting card to someone you care about, without leaving your home or office. The cards are very affordable (less than a dollar) and you don't have to spend your gas and time driving to the card store and post office to get it in the mail. You can even add your own photos and videos (using a QR Code) to the card. Include a gift or gift card if you like!  The best part is that you don't have to stuff, lick, stamp, address or take to the post office.

Stress reduction tip:  Prepare your holiday cards NOW, select the SEND date (recommended by December 13), and cross this off your list of things to do.  Set it and forget it, and your cards and gifts will be sent on whatever date you have specified.

Contact me here to learn more and try it for free!

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I am currently using an automated greeting card system. [choose 'yes' or 'no']
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